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FUNDA Holiday Activities & Food Programme *Success

FUNDA Holiday Activities & Food Programme (HAF) empowered children's lives throughout the Summer Holidays. 

Sep 13, 2021


During the summer holidays, FUNDA was approached by local government agencies to provide Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) for children across (Hyndburn) and (Pendle). The HAF provided free holiday club places must be targeted at children who are eligible for and receiving benefits-related free school meals.

The Governments Holiday Activity & Food Programme - Learn More!

FUNDA Activities

The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) run at full capacity at all our venues with children returning back daily to take part in physical activities, emotional, social wellbeing and skill development.

Our FUNDA team empowered children to reboot, bounce back and RECOVER from COVID-19 8:00am until 6:00pm daily, children needed a boost and a boost is what they got:

  • Food (Provided) 
  • FUNDA Games/ Activities
  • Sports & Competition 
  • Theme Days 
  • Big Giant Inflatables 
  • Nerf Wars  
  • Party Days 

You name it, we did it to make sure FUNDA engaged, inspired, motivated and empowered all children. We had so much fun and all our children felt safe, made new friends and just didn't want to go home at the end of the day. 


The Outcomes

  • Food One Meal Per Day. 
  • Fun and enriching activities that provide children with opportunities
  • Develop new skills or knowledge
  • Consolidate existing skills and knowledge
  • Children try out new experiences
  • Physical activities, for example, football, table tennis or cricket
  • Creative activities, for example, theme days, fancy dress, party days.
  •  Experiences, for example, big giant inflatables. 
  • Physical activities on a daily basis.
  • Children achieved an average of 25,000 steps per day.
  • Nutritional education each day. 
  • Policies and procedures succeeded
  • FUNDA is fully compliant with the Ofsted requirements for working with children.
  • Young leaders gaining life skills for future careers.


Our Partners 

FUNDA collaborated with key government agencies and local authorities to provide the best opportunities to reach out to children and families, making a positive difference every day. 

Thanks to all our partners for putting your trust in FUNDA, we hope that we didn't disappoint you and can't wait to create new exciting opportunities in the near future: 




FUNDA and our partners believe that every child matters, we feel that every child should be given the chance to take part in fun, exciting activities. On behalf of all our FUNDA team, children and families who attended (HAF Programme) this Summer we would like to say thank you for creating memories that we will all cherish for a lifetime.  


Contact FUNDA

Email: [email protected] 

Call: 01282 479 835

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